dear family,
first off thanks for all of the updates, the thanksgiving woes. sounds like you had a good time with the family. we had a good time here last p day and enjoyed a mostly american thanksgiving dinner, it was really good. i realized how much i miss american food haha. that sucks you got sick mom, but it sounds like you`re getting better. i got a little sick as well this week, actually i still am a little sick. i threw up quite a few times and continue with a pretty good round of mexican diareaha. i had to go to the dr for the first time in the mission. not too bad for having ten months. and i use the term ´doctor´ very lightly haha. i learned that in mexico, instead of giving you the shots, they just give you the medicine and then you have to buy a syringe and give yourself the shots haha. so i have now learned how to give myself shots. i got a good laugh out of the santa clause letters you guys did haha. some classic lines. i had actually forgot about my birthday and i`m sure i will forget about it again by friday but thanks for the birthday wishes. the only time i remember about it is when someone asks me how old i am haha.
well before telling you about the activity, i guess the big news is that i`m getting transfered and that i`m going to be zone leader. i`m going to the zone villa rica, area vulcanes (i think, i`m not too sure about the area) i`ll be in a trio (companionship of three) for two weeks and then one of my companions will be ending his mission and i will be with an elder from argentina. i`m a little nervous to be zone lider but i`m sure i`ll be fine. i was expecting another transfer here en camino real, and i couldn`t even finish training e. garcia (the training program is two transfers long) but i`ll go where the lord calls me and do what he asks me to do.
yeah we had the activity on saturday and it was a huge bummer. i`ve done two activities en my mission so far and they have both been huge bummers. we had done everything we could and we fulfilled with our part (what the bishop asked us to do) which was have a few baptisms alreadly scheduled for that day. which we did and we baptized both of them (cesar and silvia). the members really let us down though and hardly any showed up and even less brought their friends. we had invited our old investigatores that fulfilled with the baptismal requirments, and a few of them did show up, but they didn`t choose to follow the example of the savior and be baptized. i don`t see myself doing another activity anytime in the near future. i feel that my time and energy is better spent in other things if the dang members won`t support us. but in the long run i did learn a lot of things from the bishops activity. bishop was pretty bummed too.
well i feel proud of the work i`ve done here and i feel that i left the district better than i found it so i`m happy with that. i am going to leave my companion with several baptisms scheduled in the next upcoming weeks here and i can say i did my best in this area and am ready to continue working in another.
hey tara, sorry i didn`t get back to you in time about the sermon on the mont but i`m sure your talk was great. i did study it and learned a lot i just forgot to write you about it last week. alot of key doctrine is taught in the sermon on the mount and i would`ve loved to be there and listen to it haha.
well it looks like we`ve gotta get going, i`ve still gotta pack, play turista con los lideres de zona, and say goodbye to my conversos tonight.
i love you all very much and pray to the lord day and night in your behalf. keep being great people
love elder broadhead