Hey guys,
before i forget i just wanna mention that my camara is out of use. it won´t take pictures, it turns on and everything to look at pictures but wont take them. a huge favor would be if you could send me a new one or send me a few american dolares to buy one??
thanks for all the e mails. i always love hearing the updates.
this week was good. the traveling assistents came to work with us this week in the zone. it was good. i always love living with four missionaries, it´s a lot more fun, the bad part is, our president of mision doesn´t allow it. today we did a zone activity. we went to catemaco to climb a big hill and look at the view. turned out to be a lot harder than we expected and the sister missionaries couldn´t handle it and got all mad at us. the view at the top was beautiful, the funny part was somebody had put a huge catholic crucifix on the top. there are a lot of catholics here.
i am really liking this new change that the investigatores have to go to church five times, it gives us soo much more time to teach. i feel like i am starting my mission over because i am having to learn to teach the lessons more deeply and i love it. i feel like the spirit is more present in our lessons. before it was just teach them as fast as you can so that they can get baptized in 2 weeks. now we can take the time to make sure they understand the basics. and live them. it´s awesome. i really love missionary work.
this week we will be working on finding more investigatores to teach. we have made this huge map of our area, and we put pins in to mark every member active and inactive in our ward and all the investigators, it is the best map i have made in my mission by far and it makes planning at night a lot easier caus we can just look at the map and know who to visit. this is the last week of the cambio so it should be my last week with elder bahr. but then again i don´t know cause pres treviƱo said that with this new change of 5 times in the capilla that the missionaries will be staying in their areas longer to be able to baptize their investigatores. that makes it about sure that i will finish my mision here. i spoke in church yesterday with the sister missionaries and we did a good job, i feel like it was a good sacrament meeting. we are also doing a thing called mensajeros de luz in all the branches of the zone. it would take to long to explain, so i´ll tell you about it when i get back.
i got an e mail from john hansen this week, he is already home. wow. time goes way too fast.
i love you all and am thankful for your prayers and support and everything. i know the church is true.
love elder broadhead