Hey guys,
mom, my ministerial certificate says the 20th of january. but i don`t know the exact date still. this week was rough cause we couldn`t find any new people that were good. we are working hard to always have the spirit to be with us to be able to find people. it is very obvious the difference between a lesson with the spirit and one without it. i asked president today in my letter to him if i could spend the last two transfers of my mission training cause this is the last week of the transfer. we`ll see what happens. we had zone conferences this week and for the first time the local priesthood leaders were invited so that we can learn how to work better together. it seems like it worked cause they are a lot more willing now. the mission also gave us a new book that talks about how to deal with stress in the misison its pretty classic. i am still working hard everyday and trying to talk to as many people possible about the message of the restored gospel. today in the morning we went out early to the houses of some of the elderes in our zone to surprise them and found a few problems with disobedience. love, elder broadhead
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