Elder Broadhead is serving a 24 month mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Veracruz, Mexico. This blog will be a collection of his weekly emails and pictures for his family and friends to keep up on his mission experiences.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October 8th-15th, 2012

hey fam,
hope everyone is doing good! tell gramps thanks for the generous donation, i appreciate it a lot. i`m glad to hear he`s doing better and improving. i`m confident that this wednesday you will find the solution to all this pain pops. i hope you like your new calling mom, in the primary!
this week was my last week with elder charles. i have learned a lot from him, same with all my companions. presidente called me this week and told me that i am going to get an hijo! that means a new missionary. i`ll be training these next two cambios. i`ll go to the mission offices on tuesday to pick him up! i hope he`s a mexican! we also learned this week that now, we are not going to get two new missionaries in the ward. we had already found the house and everything. the problem is that they`re having trouble getting visas for the american missionaries again, so it throws everything off. we really need more missionaries in this barrio though. it`s so huge. sunday`s we really struggle cause there`s so much to do and we can`t talk to everyone. if you wanna know my area, i think you can go on the church website, look up the boundaries for the ward camino real, and then you`ll know my area. it`s huge and we have to travel a lot. that`s crazy to think that we`re going to get a new bishopric. time goes fast. i`m going to complete nine months in the mission! it`s crazy.
this sunday we baptized jose manuel. he`s really great and i have high hopes that he goes on a mission. the only problem is that he just got a job at sam`s club and now he has to work all the sundays. he still has to get confirmed though! so this week we are going to try and work with him so he can come to church and get confirmed on sunday and change his schedule at work. the ward has proposed a missionary activity where we invite all the old investigatores and people that have been to church o talked with the missionaries to the church for an activity. the stake choir is going to perform and there will be a speaker. the spirit will be really strong and in that very moment, the speaker will invite all the people there that aren`t members to be baptized! and we`ll do the baptisms right then and there the same day. it`s pretty crazy but i think we`re going to try it. the activity is going to happen in november. we`ll see how it works. we are hoping to already have somebody lined up for a baptism that day, so that person will go first and the rest will follow.
i`m a little nervous cause the couple we were going to baptize this next week is now backing out. we found them in the street last night and they had claimed they hadn`t recieved an answer from god yet. i claim that they have. we`ll go over this week and help them recognize the answer they`ve already recieved. they`re great though. the only problem is that the dad works all week and we can only see him on saturday. they have a cute one year old kid named ian. i want my hijo to be able to baptize his first week in the field!
our plans today are have a zone activity so we can take pics and say goodbye to everyone cause tomorrow are cambios!
pics are of the baptism, us and chucky, the little kid we baptized two weeks ago and confirmed yesterday, and of my elder nelson that i took of him peeing in the canya (sugar cane) when i went to do the baptismal interview on friday en cardel haha
everything is going great and it was fun messaging you pops! tell mom right now i don`t need anything and that all is well!
we had another bautistrito and i`m happy my elder`s are working hard. is going to arrive another new missionary in my district haha. we are going to be two trainers and two greeny`s (verdes) haha! hope you guys have a great week! i`ll talk to you next week!



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