Elder Broadhead is serving a 24 month mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Veracruz, Mexico. This blog will be a collection of his weekly emails and pictures for his family and friends to keep up on his mission experiences.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 5th-12th, 2012

thanks for the e mails. first off happy birthday to grama, and to mom! i hope you lovely gals have a great b day and know that i appreciate you both very much. especially for the example that you´ve given me and all of the support. any birthday gift requests from mexico?? hey tara sounds like everthing is good. that`s pretty awesome you got a missionary specialist and president brown to come and speak to you guys. good luck on your talk i`ll get back to you with some classic sermon on the mont comments. or maybe you could ask dad, he gives a pretty good sermon on the pot jajajaja. ash, i`ll keep a lookout for the family of your friend, but the city is pretty big haha. maybe it would be easier if your friend told them to keep a lookout for a pudgy sunburned redhead. i stick out pretty nicely here haha. mom, classic volleyball tourney, wish i could`ve seen it. cool story about that crook dad, enjoyed it. that`s cool about andrew and ben`s mission calls.
about the whole skype thing for christmas, yes we can do it and there are members here that will offer me the computer. so if you want to we can, or we can just do a call. think about it and then let me know in advance.
this week we baptized the family of hugo y ana and there two kids. they have another little girl but she is under the age of baptism still. now we are just waiting for a year so they can be sealed in the temple! it was a really special bauptismal service. this week we found three people that will for sure be baptized no the 24th of nobember so that the rest of the people in the activity can follow their example. we are still inviting all the old investigadores, theres a ton. we are trusting in the members a lot that they bring their friends. i called presidente treviño and invited him too so he is going to be there to supports us in the actividad. we are also doing another activity, i can`t remember if i already told you, but in this activity we are going around with the members and inviting people to a christmas activity. our part of the invitation is sing one verse of a christmas hymn and read two scriptures about christmas from the libro de mormon. yesterday in sacrament meeting the bishop was explaining the activity to the members, and then he called us up to demonstrate how in the invitation would be. so we sang and read the scriptures. i`m just glad my companions a decent singer cause i definitely couldn`t be worse haha. afterwards the bishop is like, well even if they can`t sing that good, it`s the feeling that counts haha.
of the three people we are going to baptize on the 24th, all of them are escogidos. i was so worrried for finding someone solid to be baptized for the activity and prayed so much and the lord blessed us with three escogidos. i feel a lot more relieved cause now the bishop isn`t pressuring us so much but i`m still stressed out for the success of the activity. i know that if i do everything possible the lord will make up the rest and it will be a success.
my elderes in cardel also baptized and we had another bautistrito. i`m happy with them. i did divisiones this week and their area looks to be in good shape. one of my favorite parts about being district leader is that in the clases of district we do fisical competitions halfway through the class to see who will go first when we do the teaching practices. we do wall sqwats and pushups and things like that for the competitions. this last week the competition was to see who could hold their scriptures above their head for the longest.it was soooo funny the elders were trying so hard to win and yelling and screaming in pain hahhaa i was dying laughing it was soo funny. i`m still thinking about the work out we`ll do for the class tomorrow hahaha.
the coolest part of being a missionary is when your converts accompany you to a lesson and bear their testimony. this week one of my recent converts jose manuel went out with us to teach and it was one of the best experiences i`ve had on my mission, listening to him bear his testimony and talk about the changes he has experience in his life thanks to the gospel. i`ll definitely never forget these moments and i feel grateful to be a tool in the lords hands.
we are continuing to work hard here in camino real and expect the same from you guys back home. i love you!! thanks for everything.

love -elder broadhead

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